집 > 제품 > 기타 > Stainless Steel Centrifuge
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키워드: 회전 증발기, 가열 및 냉각 순환기, 재순환 냉각기
Centrifuge is a machine that uses centrifugal force to separate components in liquid and solid particles or liquid and liquid mixture. The centrifuge is mainly used to separate the solid particles in the suspension from the liquid, or separate the two immiscible liquids with different densities in the emulsion (such as separating cream from milk); It can also be used to remove liquids from wet solids, such as drying wet clothes with a washing machine; The special overspeed tubular separator can also separate gas mixtures with different densities; Taking advantage of the different settling velocity of solid particles with different density or particle size in liquid, some settling centrifuges can also classify solid particles according to density or particle size.